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Introducing SMS4Act! – Unlocking new avenues of communication

header image of someone texting

In the ever-evolving landscape of business communication, staying connected with customers and prospects is essential for growth and success. While emails have been the standard mode of correspondence, there’s a game-changing alternative that boasts open rates more than four times higher – SMS text messaging. 

What is SMS Text Marketing?

SMS text marketing, also known as text message marketing or SMS marketing, is a form of marketing that involves sending promotional or informational messages to customers and prospects via text messages.

In SMS text marketing, businesses use short message service (SMS) to send text messages directly to mobile phone users. These messages typically include various types of content, such as:

  • Promotions and Offers: Businesses can send discount codes, coupons, or special offers to entice customers to make a purchase or visit their stores.
  • Product Updates: Companies can use SMS text marketing to inform customers about new product launches, product updates, or restocking of popular items.
  • Event Reminders: SMS messages can be used to remind customers about upcoming events, appointments, or reservations they have made.
  • Surveys and Feedback: Businesses can conduct customer surveys or seek feedback through SMS text messages to gather valuable insights and improve their products or services.
  • Order Status and Tracking: E-commerce businesses often use SMS text marketing to provide order status updates and tracking information to customers who have made purchases online.

A callout that says, " Studies show that on average, it takes 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text and 90 minutes to respond to an email"

Who is using SMS Text Marketing? 

The rise in popularity of SMS marketing is notable as it gains traction and widespread acceptance among consumers with increasing ownership of mobile devices. SMS marketing’s effectiveness stems from the frequency with which consumers check their phones and their preference to correspond via text messages versus telephone and email. In fact, 64% of consumers prefer texting instead of a voice call for customer service needs and another 81% are frustrated being tied to a phone or computer in order to reach a company.

While texting has become a popular form of communication for many people around the world, factors such as age, location, culture, language, and personal preferences can influence how or when someone uses text messaging.

Some groups of people may use text messaging more frequently than others. For example:

  • Younger generations: Text messaging is particularly prevalent among younger generations, such as millennials and Gen Z, who have grown up with mobile phones and have integrated texting as a common form of communication in their daily lives.
  • Urban populations: People living in urban areas with better access to mobile devices and internet connectivity may be more likely to use text messaging as a means of communication due to the convenience and accessibility it offers.
  • Tech-savvy individuals: Individuals who are more comfortable with technology and digital communication may be more likely to use text messaging as a communication method.
  • English-speaking populations: English-speaking countries, such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, have a relatively high adoption rate of text messaging as a communication method.

A callout that says, "64% of consumers prefer texting instead of a voice call for customer service needs and another 81% are frustrated being tied to a phone or computer in order to reach a company."

Text Message Marketing versus Email Marketing

Text messaging is often more effective than email for the following reasons:

  • Higher Open Rates: Text messages generally have higher open rates compared to emails. In fact, at around 90%, the SMS open rate is almost triple that of the average email open rate. Text messages are often opened within minutes of receipt, whereas emails may sit in an inbox and go unnoticed for longer periods of time, or may be filtered to spam folders. This higher open rate can result in more immediate engagement and response from recipients.
  • Faster Delivery and Response Times: Text messages are typically delivered instantly, making them well-suited for time-sensitive information or urgent communications. Additionally, text messages are more likely to be responded to promptly, as they are usually shorter and quicker to read compared to emails, which may require more time and attention. Studies show that on average, it takes 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text and 90 minutes to respond to an email
  • Greater Accessibility: Text messaging is more accessible to a wider range of people, including those who may not have regular access to email or who may not be as comfortable with digital technologies. Almost all mobile phones support text messaging, making it a universal means of communication that can reach a broader audience.
  • Higher Engagement Rates: Text messages are often viewed as more personal and immediate compared to emails, and can create a sense of urgency or intimacy with recipients. This can result in higher engagement rates, such as click-through rates or conversion rates, compared to emails.
  • Higher Deliverability Rates: Email deliverability can be affected by spam filters, which may prevent emails from reaching the intended recipients. In contrast, text messages are less likely to be caught by spam filters, resulting in higher deliverability rates and ensuring that messages are more likely to be received by recipients.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of text messaging versus email can vary depending on the specific use case, target audience, and communication goals. Both text messaging and email can be valuable communication channels, and the optimal choice may depend on the context and preferences of the recipients. A well-rounded marketing or communication strategy may include a combination of both text messaging and email, tailored to the needs and preferences of the audience.

A callout that says, "at around 90%, the SMS open rate is almost triple that of the average email open rate."

SMS4Act! – SMS Text Marketing is now available in Act! Premium

Now, thanks to SMS4Act!, Act! Premium users can seamlessly integrate SMS text messaging into their businesses, extending their reach, maximizing the effectiveness of their communications, and leveraging the market-leading global messaging provider. 

Extend Your Reach Beyond the Inbox

In today’s fast-paced world, standing out in the crowded digital space is a challenge. This is where SMS text messaging shines. With SMS4Act!, you can now initiate text conversations right from within your Act! software, allowing you to seamlessly transition from managing contacts to actively engaging with them.

SMS4Act! styized screen editor screenshot.

Craft messages effortlessly with the user-friendly text message editor and send them directly from Act!

Personalize for Maximum Effect

Generic communication is a thing of the past. Today’s customers expect personalization that resonates with their needs and preferences. SMS4Act! empowers you to create customized messages for any occasion – whether it’s scheduling, order updates, shipping statuses, event reminders, promotional notifications, or more. Speaking directly to your audience’s interests enhances your customer engagement and sets you apart from the competition.

Use placeholder fields to create personalized message templates for virtually any occasion

Use placeholder fields to create personalized message templates for virtually any occasion

Rely on a Market-Leading Global Messaging Provider

SMS messaging is a universally embraced communication method that spans age groups and industries. With SMS4Act!, you’re not just getting an integration – you’re tapping into the expertise of Message Media, a leading global messaging provider. Send text messages globally, automatically record sends and replies, and manage opt-outs and deliverability. 

Automatically record sends and replies for follow-up and reference

Automatically record sends and replies for follow-up and reference

Automatically record sends and replies for follow-up and reference

The integration of SMS text messaging with SMS4Act! heralds a new era of communication for businesses of all sizes. By embracing the power of SMS, personalizing interactions, and relying on a global leader like Message Media, you’re equipped to connect with your audience in ways that resonate, engage, and drive success. In a world where attention is fleeting, SMS4Act! ensures your messages are not only heard but acted upon, fostering stronger customer relationships and propelling your business forward.

To learn more about SMS4Act! text marketing give us a call at 866-873-2006 or start a free, 14-day Act! Premium trial to see it in action. Check out this KB article to learn more.