LMT Mercer Group
"All these customer suggestions and ideas are recorded in Act!, so it’s an invaluable source of information."
"All these customer suggestions and ideas are recorded in Act!, so it’s an invaluable source of information."
“We can now also create really beautiful email templates in a way we couldn’t before.”
“With Act! Growth Suite, we’re now much better able to create more effective marketing campaigns.”
“I could see that Act! Marketing Automation would be the best solution integrated with the CRM side of Act!.”
“I wouldn’t consider any CRM supplier other than Act!.”
“We thought we were using Act! to its full potential. Then we had some training from an Act! Certified Consultant.”
“With Act! CRM we can analyze everything down to the smallest detail.”
“Not only has our income increased, but so too has customer satisfaction and our efficiency...”
“Because everyone can access the information that’s relevant to them, we’ve been able to cut potential errors substantially...”